Sarkis IT Showcase

Sarkis IT is the company I created to work as a freelance. I provide different type of services like IT consulting, IT design and development. Design and Development Engineer 

7 years experienced


#API #APIManagement #Apigee #Mbaas #Axway #Appcelerator #Postman

#JavaEE #Spring #Microservices #Jersey

#Hibernate #NoSQL #Oracle #PostgreSQL

Mise en valeur des qualités personnelle

s liées à la capacité à interagir efficacement av

ec les collègues et les clients.

Skills synthesis

Expertise domains



API Management Apigee


API Management Axway


API Management IBM API Connect


Java EE


Appcelerator API Builder


Spring (MVC,Boot, Data,Security)




















Business domains


#E-commerce #Retail #Energy #Bank #Insurance #Sales


 Skills domains



Liferay 6.2


Java EE development:

Framework Spring MVC, JPA/Hibernate, JSF/Primefaces, Web services REST (framework Jersey), Maven


Javascript NodeJS development:

NodeJs, Appcelerator framework (Arrow and ArrowDB for API development), Express.js Framework, Synchronous and Asynchronous scripts for loading databases and making backups.


Other developments:

Android, HTML/CSS, XML, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, HSQLDB, Protocole HTTP/1.1



Eclipse, Atom, Visual Studio Code, Brackets, NetBeans, Maven, Jenkins, Gitlab, Bitbucket, git, Charles Proxy, TOAD, SQL Developer, Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Visio), Confluence, Jira, RocketChat



Oracle PL/SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL Cassandra et MongoDB                                            


Analysis methods:

UML, Merise


Work Experience

Engineer API Designer| Carrefour with Sapient | From 01/2018 to 12/2018

Context : One Carrefour project aim is to develop the new Omnichannel E-commerce website of Carrefour, including grocery and non food products, starting from zero. People working on it : about 280, agile (with 8 feature teams having their own PO and scrum masters). I was part of API and Microservice Team.


Goal: In this context, the goal of my team is very central: Providing resources and data from old backend systems to the new frontend. In addition to that, we were in charge of the development of a new complete microservice layer in Carrefour Information Technology Architecture.

The main difficulties on this mission were to find accurate documentation and context information, but also to orchestrate and manage extensive dependencies on other teams.


Missions :

Exploration of Carrefour Context:

·       Meetings with Product Owners of the different feature teams to discover the needs

·       Meetings with Backend Product Owners to discover existing functions and resources

·       Setting up workshops to understand, to challenge and to finalize Product Owners needs

·       A lot of time spent to accompagny Product owners on the expression of the needs

·       And also to gather Carrefour context information

·       Writing Meeting notes, always

Designing APIs:

·       Defining Interface Contracts for our Microservices with Swaggers:

·       Defining resources and models

·       Defining URL paths

·       Defining methods

·       Defining requirements for requesting

·       Documenting on Confluence

·       The model

·       The model mapping with existing backends

·       The requests and responses mapping with existing backends

·       Defining Microservices orchestration as part of the architecture:

·       Exchanged flows with the frontend, the API Gateway, the other microservices, the legacy backends, the partners backends

·       Workshops with architects to follow the vision of the project and giving them upates at operational level

·       Updating Carrefour API Guidelines with state of the art on RESTFUL APIs

·       Being Lead on API design for all feature teams

·       Share the knowledge, guidelines and conventions

·       Accompagny them in their API design

·       Guarantie the quality of APIs by making sure that they are aligned

·       Reviewing APIs with teammates, Product owners, legacy backend as source of data, Quality Assurance team, developers

API Management :

·       Creating APIs on IBM API Connect (API Manager), and integrate Swaggers

·       Creating Products (bunch of API grouped by functional scope)

·       Creating Consumption plans allowing our clients to consume the APIs

·       Publishing it on catalogs

Creating ways of working:

·       For exploration phases, APIs designing, integration, versioning, reviewing


I designed APIs as :

·       Facilities

·       Allowing to get all kind of carrefour facilities and services around geocoordinates

·       Geographical presences

·       Allowing to get all cities, departments and regions where carrefour has a presence

·       Baskets

·       Allowing the customer to put products in a basket

·       Checkout

·       Allowing the customer to go through the purchase process

·       Orders

·       Allowing to create Orders for order management systems

·       Slots

·       Allowing the customer to get slots for the chosen service (delivery or drive)

·       Shopping Lists

·       Allowing the customer to save favorites products into lists

·       Etcs…


#API #RESTFUL #JavaEE #Microservices #Design #Architectures #APIManagement #Swaggers #IBMAPIConnect



 Engineer API Designer| Enedis | French National Electricity Provider | From 02/2016 to 12/2017

Context : Project APIGO, API Management team, 10/12 people, agile


Goal: This project aim is to digitalize Enedis Information Technology by providing APIs catalogs, allowing the access of core business IT resources to internal client applications aswell as external (mobile, portal, etc).


Missions :

Business analysis and workshops :

·       Setting up workshops to understand, to challenge and to finalize the need

·       Writing Meeting notes

Designing APIs:

·       Defining resources and models

·       Defning URL paths

·       Defining methods

Developing APIs:

·       Development with Apigee API Management solution

·       APIs development

·       Usage of APIGEE’s NoSQL datastore (Cassandra)

·       Development with Axway API Management AXWAY and Appcelerator solution

·       APIs development

·       Usage of Appcelerator’s NoSQL datastore (MongoDB)

·       Type of developed APIs:

·       Authorization API Oauth2 (implicit ,code grant, and client credentials)

·       Strong stakes API : Load Shedding API, allowing to know future electricity programmed cut (due to temparary closure of nuclear centrals)

·       High stakes API : users consents collection

o   Collecting users consents just after they authenticated

o   Consents management (consulting, updating, extending and revoking consents)

o   Checking and filtering partener companies API consumption on APIs which require user consent to get access

·       Classic API resources exposed with CRUD methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)


Implementation of a Continuous Integration and Continous Deployment platform :

·       Setting up Jenkins as a Continous integration server

·       Setting up GitLab as a source code version control server

·       Development of Javascript script allowing to backup and load datastores

·       Setting up functional and non regression tests of our APIs (executed via Jenkins, using JUnit and maven)



#API #RESTFUL #APIManagement #NoSQL #mBaas #Axway #Appcelerator #Apigee #MongoDB #NodeJS


Design and development Engineer | French National Electricity Provider | 10/2015 to 02/2016

Context : Project LINCS, development and first Go LIVE , agile


Goal : Implementation of a web space for the french individuals , within they can get access to data regarding their electricity consumption, subscriptions and all services around.



Missions :

Liferay Portlets development, using :

·       Spring,

·       Maven,

·       And a CICD platform (Jenkins, Nexus, Sonar)


Development of a webapp allowing to check individuals consumption history via connected IOT:

·       Spring MVC

·       Spring Security

·       Apache Tiles

·       Oracle SQL

·       Scrum Agile methodology

·       Daily standup meeting

·       Sprint planing

·       Demos and reviews



#JavaEE #Spring #Agile #Scrum #Liferay


Design and development Engineer | BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions | 09/2015 to 11/2015

Context : Liferay Proof Of Concept, team of 3 people, fixed price mission


Goal : Demonstrate to the client that Liferay 6.2 CMS (Java JEE) is fitting natively most of the needs


Missions :

Design and development of a Liferay Proof Of Concept

·       Taking part of the design of users/roles/sites and alignment of them to the business needs

·       Business Portlets development

·       Contracts consultation (SOAP webservices)

·       Invoices consultation (REST API webservices)

·       Users management (subscription, edition, custom fields)

·       Liferay Theme development

·       From Liferay theme template

Organizing business workshops

Demo and reviewing progresses with the client



#Liferay 6.2, #LiferayStudio, #OracleDatabase, #Tomcat, #Websphere8.5


Java EE Developer | BNP Paribas Cardif | Java development service center| 09/2014 to 09/2015

Context : Expertise and solution Team, 6 people


Goal :  In the context of developments industrialisation process (Continuous integration and Continuous deployment) , Development of REST APIs


Missions :

·       REST architecture style study and writing of an Essay

·       Design of a REST API allowing to the continuous integration plateform (jenkins and maven) to execute deployments

·       Choices Study about the framework to use to set up REST APIs

·       API development

·       Server side, exposing the API allowing automatic application deployment with the Java Jersay framework

·       Client side, developed into a new maven plugin (MOJO), with Jersay framework

·       Second client, developed with Javascript to consume API resources (consulting deployment status)


#JavaEE, #WebService, #RESTJersey, #Spring, #JPA/Hibernate, #JSF/Primefaces, #Maven, #Jenkins #Sonar, #Eclipse, #HSQLDB

Java EE Developer | BNP Paribas Cardif | Java development service center | 09/2013 to 09/2014

Context : Java Developers Team Java, 10 people


Goal : Development of a Java EE Web Application named Interactive Guide, which the purpose is to welcome new teammates in the Java developers team.


Missions :

Design and development of the Web Application


Design and development :

·       Of the presentation layer with Java Primefaces (JSF) framework

·       Of the service layer with Spring 2 framework

·       Of the data/repository layer with JPA/Hibernate framework


#JavaEE, #Spring, #JPA/Hibernate, #JSF/Primefaces, #Maven, #Jenkins #Sonar, #Eclipse, #HSQLDB


Oracle PL/SQL and VBA developer| BNP Paribas Cardif | Real Estate Service| 09/2012 to 09/2013

Context : Direct contact with the business, team of 3 people


Goal : Design and development of real estate service new business needs


Missions :

·       Workshops with the business

o   Changes requests study

o   Writting expressions of requirements

o   Estimate, prioritise and split into different batches of functionality to implement

·       Writing functional specifications

·       Writing technical specifications

·       Development of the changes requests

o   Presentation layer developed with VBA

o   Service and Data Repository layer with Oracle PL/SQL database and scripts


#Oracle PL/SQL, #MicrosoftExcel, #VBA


 VBA Developer| Swatch Group - Tech-Airport |09/2011 to 09/2012

Context : Working on IT Issues, 2 people in the Headquarter IT Team


Goal : VBA developments, shifting with headquarter’s IT and Supporting employees in IT


Missions :


·       VBA Macro development to automate Excel tasks

·       Setting up of GLPI (Information Technology Service Management tool)

·       Helpdesk Support level 1

·       Servers Monitoring

·       Migration from Windows XP to Windows 7 on all machines (about 50)

·       IT Support for headquarter and shops employees

·       Interface between SWATCH GROUP SI (based in Switzerland) and Tech-Airport subsidiary company


#Windows, #MicrosoftOffice, #VBA, #VBScript, #ERP PI Electronique, #SAGE, #GLPI




Personal details



2012-2015 (Paris)

 Master’s Degree in Engineering at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, apprenticeship, major on Information Technologies

2010-2012 (Orsay)

BTEC Higher National Diploma  at Paris-Sud 11 University, apprenticeship, major : Information Technology

2010 (Paris)

High-School Diploma with honors at Saint-Nicolas, major : electrotechnical engineering




French | Spoken/written natively  

Anglais | Spoken/written professional level | Toeïc test:  860 (The year 2014)

Armenian| Spoken natively, written good level



#Travelling, #drawing, #animals, #motorcars